Sri Lanka Export Development Board (EDB) is the premier state organization entrusted with the task of developing and promoting exports from Sri Lanka. The EDB from its inception in 1979 engaged in developing products and promoting Sri Lankan exports abroad, to make Sri Lanka the most sought after destination for global sourcing in identified product & service sectors. The EDB plays five key roles with ambitious plan as policy advisor, monitor, promoter, facilitator and knowledge provider in order to achieve its vision of “Position Sri Lanka as a Prominent Export Hub for Innovative Products & Services”. The Board of Directors of the EDB represents key Ministries and leading private sector entities at the highest level. To operate successfully, the organization is manned by a qualified and professional staff who are specialized in their respective areas of operation. The EDB work closely with other government and non-government agencies and private sector stakeholders with its strong relationship. The EDB actively support all stakeholders to implement the national plans. The organization covers the entire island through a network of provincial offices, further enhancing opportunities for buyers and suppliers. Having evolved into a dynamic and a focused entity that is proactive in outlook, the EDB is constantly on the lookout for new and innovative approaches to cater to the ever changing needs of the international market. The EDB also focuses on broad-basing the beneficiaries of exports across the country with the objective of percolating the benefits of exports to the grass root level. As a trade promotion organization, it assists SMEs to penetrate in to new and existing markets by offering consultative services to small- and mid-sized businesses located throughout Sri Lanka and sponsors and co-sponsors educational seminars and training programs designed for exporters and potential exporters in the region. The implementation of a series of regional export development programmes by the organization will lead to long term, sustainable economic growth by absorbing the talents and capabilities of the rural sector into the export development efforts of the country.
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